

Stafford Arts Festival

30 November -1 01:00

Stafford Arts Festival

Dancers, musicians, and artists will be taking to the streets of Stafford for the town’s 5th ‘Arts Festival’.


The Festival is the brainchild of Stafford’s Town Centre Partnership along with the Borough Council with the ‘Arts Fest’ to go ahead in September.


As well as dancers and musicians providing a carnival atmosphere for the day, the event will include a range of art workshops including the “painting party” and balloon modelling.


Performers in the town’s Market Square,  will include professional Brazilian  drummers and dancers ‘Art Brasil’ and the Stafford  Morris Men, The local dance partnership and delightful children’s group Dappa Dance will also be entertaining members of the public.


Talented street theatre favourite the “Bubbleologist” will delight the crowds with his amazing bubble tricks - from giant bubbles to very tiny bubbles, bubbles inside bubbles and lots more.


Residents and visitors will also get the chance to enjoy activities at various venues around the town centre including, exhibitions at the

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Opening hours: Mon-Sat 9.00am - 5.30pm Sun 10.30am - 4.30pm

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The Guildhall Shopping Centre
Market Square
Stafford ST16 2BB

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