Shopping Centre throws open its doors for the first time this year
Shoppers are being encouraged to return to the Guildhall Shopping Centre from Monday 12th April, when it will reopen for the first time in more than three months.
Following the Government announcement on the easing of lockdown restrictions, all 24 stores will be able to open from Monday at 9am, for the first time since 30th December.
These stores have confirmed they will be open from 9am on Monday:
- The Body Shop
- Clarks
- Poundland
- The Entertainer
- The Works
- The Fragrance Shop
- Card Factory
- Supercuts
- F Hinds
- Peccadillos
- Macro Cafe
Elements Fitness & Wellbeing and the 255-space NCP car park will be open from 6am.
Several measures have been introduced to ensure the centre is safe for visitors. The one-way system implemented last summer is still in force, while a number of hand sanitizer stations are available on the malls.
In line with national guidelines, visitors must wear a face covering.
Centre Manager George Demetriou said: “While the centre was never fully closed, Monday is a big day as it will be the first day this year that all our stores will be open for in-person visits.
“We have been working hard behind-the-scenes to make the centre as safe as possible for visitors, and can’t wait to welcome you back!”
The public toilets in the centre are to stay closed, as they are too small for users to maintain a safe, two-metre distance from others.
They will reopen when social distancing policies are relaxed, which is scheduled for late June, according to the Government’s roadmap out of lockdown.
For further information on the centre’s reopening, visit www.guildhallstafford.com.
Media enquiries should be directed to Richard Swancott on 01785 277986 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
The Guildhall Shopping Centre
Market Square
Stafford ST16 2BB