

Mother's Day Gift Wrap

25 March 2017 10:00 - 16:00

Guildhall Shopping Centre

Mother's Day Gift Wrap
On Saturday 25th March, the day before Mothering Sunday, all shoppers purchasing their gifts in the Guildhall willl be entitled to a free gift-wrapping service, so you will have no excuse!

There will be paper flower bouquets and/or acrylic hearts for children to decorate and personalise, to give to their mums, and a limited amount of chocolate roses to give away. Subject to parental consent photos may be taken for social media purposes.

This is free to all of our shoppers, but there will be a collection bucket for this years' designated charity, Cats Protection Stafford & District Branch.

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Opening hours: Mon-Sat 9.00am - 5.30pm Sun 10.30am - 4.30pm

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The Guildhall Shopping Centre
Market Square
Stafford ST16 2BB

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